It’s been said the university is the place where young people go to learn skills for life. However, what is being taught here is beyond disturbing.
Are school administrators forcing students to undergo an unnecessary medical procedure? Oddly, none of the university officials quoted in the mainstream report below have acknowledged the fact that this age group of students is statistically at virtually zero risk of ever getting sick, much less hospitalized due to coming in contact with the coronavirus.
Which begs the question: why force young people to take this experimental and not properly licensed pharmaceutical product?
Also, CNN avoided going into too much depth on whether these colleges will require the controversial vaccine passport bio surveillance system. By all indications, most campuses appear to be keen to unleash this dubious digital tracking on their students.
This would set an incredibly dangerous precedent, and will certainly opens universities up to potentially endless lawsuits for blatantly violating students constitutional rights.
CNN reports…
As colleges and universities nationwide make plans to welcome back students in the fall, a growing number have announced they will require all students to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before returning to campus.
So far, at least 14 colleges have said vaccinations will be required, according to a CNN tally — and that number is expected to grow.
Universities have been implementing vaccination policies since late March, when Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, became one of the first to say that having all students vaccinated will allow for an “expedited return to pre-pandemic normal,” making more in-person classes possible, as well as more on-campus events that will be allowed.
“This health policy update means that, with limited exceptions, all students planning to attend in the Fall 2021 semester must be fully vaccinated,” a statement from Rutgers president Jonathan Holloway said, adding that proof of vaccination will be required. Rutgers faculty and staff members are also being strongly urged to get vaccinated, but the statement did not say that it was required for them.
Cornell, Brown, the University of Notre Dame, Northeastern, Syracuse University and Ithaca in New York and Fort Lewis College in Colorado have since made similar announcements, though all will make exceptions for medical or religious reasons.
(…) In its April 1 announcement, NSU said “with the extra protection of widespread vaccination, the NSU community will be able to resume more activities and operations sooner, leading to a more engaged educational and professional experience.”
Since the announcement, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order saying that vaccines are available but not mandated, and prohibited any government entity or business from requiring a vaccine passport.