Catte Black
Recently a prominent Covid-skeptic on Twitter announced their willingness to start a political party or “movement” to oppose lockdowns.
Several people expressed support.
I understand the good intention behind this idea, but we at OffG consider it a major misdirection of energy – and we said so.
We got a flurry of replies from Marxists and socialists telling us people need to ‘organise’ if the New Normal is to be defeated.
Well, yes, I agree. But what does ‘organise’ mean in an age of fake ‘consensus’, rigged elections and pseudo-Left fascism?
Does it mean creating yet another ‘political party’ with rules, hierarchies and leaders?
Does it mean paying lip service to the senile, corrupt old system of representative ‘democracy’ that we KNOW is fixed and a fundamental lie?
I don’t think so.
I think the New Normal requires a New Response.
This isn’t 2003 and the anti-war protests. This isn’t 1984 and the miners’ strike. This struggle is actually potentially far more winnable. Because it isn’t about trying to force a change of action on remote beings who don’t give a damn and won’t listen. It’s about reaching ordinary people. Our friends, family, community.
What we are facing is not just a new level of tyranny, but a new kind of tyranny. One that requires more than passive obedience or inaction from people in order to preserve their status quo.
The New Normal demands people do things to positively reinforce that Normal, not simply passively consent. People are being asked to make fundamental changes to their daily lives and proactively DO things that inconvenience, impoverish or endanger them and their loved ones. They are being asked to wear masks, remain inside, refuse contact, close stores, all as individual acts of faith in the truth and reality of the narrative.
This means it’s not principally the PTB who are enforcing this narrative – it’s individual people. It’s everyone who is seen to be believing the story. It’s every man, woman and child wearing a mask or social distancing, or closing their business.
We are not merely bystanders to this event, we are required to be active participants. And that potentially gives us a lot more power. Because we can simply say no.
And if people really knew the truth they would say no – out of simple self preservation – the same instinct currently being exploited to get their co-operation.
This is why a bid to organise hierarchical resistance misses the point, and aims at the wrong target.
The fourth Industrial revolution is supposed to be in part about data – information. Those with the information will control the world.
Think about that.
If information is key to them maybe it should be to us. I think we need to see the war against the New Normal as an information war.
The Great Reset merchants are selling conformity through lies. We need to counter them with the truth. Which will, indeed, “set you free.”