In this segment, Sky News Australia host Rowan Dean reveals how the 2021 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos has been delayed to the spring, and is being moved to a sunnier location nearby. Recently, the globalist confab has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into something much more sinister.
Dean describes it as a “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future.”
“It’s a hardcore leftist eco-horror show replete with quasi fascism,” where the world’s wealthiest radical left-wing elites are increasingly conflating COVID-19 with climate change.
“Many are going so far as to suggest that all the measures applied to the coronavirus, the lockdowns, the destruction of businesses, the suppression of dissent, curfews, strong-arm police tactics, should become the ‘new normal’ for dealing with climate change.”
Dean believes that the next WEF in 2021 will be to made to “convince governments with the help of big businesses and big tech to bring about something deeply sinister called ‘The Great Reset’.”
“It is a program designed to strip us all of our fundamental democratic rights in favour of a new form of society as dictated by the elites.”
In their marketing campaigns, the WEF is attempting to link all of the disasters in the world – from coronavirus to bushfires, to riots and unrest, to pollution and poverty – all somehow linked to climate change.
“Then it is claiming they can magically disappear. Literally at the push of a button and just like that, everything in the world is made right and pure again. The Great Reset. What could be simpler?”
Dean also calls out “lunatics including Prince Charles and the United Nations and the IMF want to replicate the global response to COVID and repurpose it for climate change, to enforce zero net emissions.” Watch