COVID psychological stress
is being coldly and calculatedly applied to the entire world population as many nations enter their 6th or 7th month of coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions. Operation Coronavirus is, first and foremost, a psychological operation (psy op). It’s about fooling you with stories of a killer virus by exploiting the widely held but incomplete concept of germ theory. It’s about tricking you into thinking there are enemies out there – even tiny invisible enemies whose existence has never been proven – against which you need protection, kindly provided to you by Big Pharma and Big Government. It’s about conditioning you into accepting the horrific reality of current society – masks, social distancing, isolation, quarantines, lockdowns, deep fear, plus the violation of unalienable, sovereign, inherent human rights – as the New Normal. It’s about cracking you with COVID psychological stress until you break down, defeated, and acquiesce to the planned solution all along of surveillance and vaccines, in a desperate attempt to return to normal, healthy and free life of unconstrained social interaction.
COVID Psychological Stress
In recent months many free and powerful voices have pointed out that the draconian restrictions, resulting in what I am calling COVID psychological stress, are in fact akin to torture methods refined by organizations and agencies such as the CIA. All the lockdown policies – social distancing, quarantine, mandatory mask-wearing, isolation, fear of contagion, fear of everyone being a suspected asymptomatic carrier, being unable to visit elderly family members in person, and more – are forms of torture. By deeming things such as concerts, sports, pubs, bars, clubs and other forms of entertainment as “non-essential”, governments have been able to restrict, ban and/or permanently shut down businesses and organizations running such facilities and activities. The idea is to stop people from relaxing and blowing off steam, thus increasing the pressure and stress. Then, with everyone under this low grade stress, some people will inevitably crack, due to economic and psychological manipulation, and either commit crime, lash at those around them, commit suicide or come begging to the government to save them.
Munchausen Syndrome and Stockholm Syndrome
Along these lines, it is worth understanding the concept of Munchausen syndrome. This is a factitious disorder, a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick. This video introduces the idea that an aspect of Munchausen syndrome is the parent who gets so much attention from having a sick child that they deliberately make them sick. That is a fitting description of the COVID situation – government officials acting as though the entire population of citizens are contagious and dangerous, and pretending they are doctors and the rest of the citizenry are their patients. It’s a sick and twisted psychological game, and in fact, as Jon Rappoport points out in a recent article How Many People Have ‘Psychological COVID?’, may even lead to people ‘acquiring’ what they think is ‘COVID’ just through false belief, via convincing themselves that they have the virus when they don’t.
Munchausen syndrome is one thing, but Stockholm syndrome is something else. It describes the psychological phenomenon whereby captured, entrapped or enslaved people grow feelings of affection and appreciation for their captors. They develop an attachment to, loyalty for or even a perverse love for their oppressors. Why? One explanation is because they see no other option; on a subconscious level, the surreal world they inhabit makes no sense at all unless their rulers are omniscient and benevolent. So, they convince themselves that their leaders must be right. In many ways, we are suffering from societal Stockholm syndrome.
The Roots of COVID Psychological Stress are Steeped in Torture
The article Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques, written by Brian Shilhavy and based on a video Leigh Dundas, exposes the torturous background behind isolation, which is the basis for things such as solitary confinement:
Here are some lesser known facts about social distancing and isolation:
• It was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state.
• It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic.
• It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.
It continues:
“… social isolation is a human rights violation – which is on par with torture and other war crimes. Indeed, social isolation is the primary protocol deployed against enemies in times of war, regardless of time period or country in question. This is due in large part to the fact that it is so successful in psychologically destroying the individual, without need of more bloody and difficult physical interventions. The studies of social isolation against enemies of state began in the 1950’s and 1960’s by the CIA:
It has long been the custom of captors, police, and inquisitors, to isolate their prisoners. But which of these methods, Hinkle asked, is most effective? All the standard interrogation techniques have varying… impacts on the brain’s functioning…. [But] of all the possible techniques, isolation is the ideal way of “breaking down” a prisoner…”
Already, we are seeing the effect of just a few weeks of social isolation on students: teen suicides have risen, and last week, OC Sheriff’s reported a 25% increase in domestic violence calls, a 24% increase in family disputes, and a 30% increase in child custody calls. So deleterious are these effects that in recent years the United Nations promulgated what have come to be called the Mandela rules. These rules prohibit social isolation for longer than 15 days, noting that any longer period of social isolation “constitutes cruel, degrading and inhumane treatment, or torture.” Other organizations, like the American Psychiatric Association, have held similarly. Perhaps most ironic, what cold hard science shows is that social isolation employed continuously – as California is suggesting doing – will actually undermine the alleged health goals because such isolation depresses the immune system.”
In this video, Amazing Polly proposes that what we are being put through with draconian COVID restrictions is a near perfect parallel to the Amnesty International definition of torture and Biderman’s ‘Chart of Coercion.’ Additionally, this video clip highlights how sensory deprivation (a byproduct of COVID restrictions which promote isolation) can lead to increased susceptibility to persuasion. Think about that for a minute – increased susceptibility to persuasion. Isn’t that precisely what governments have always wanted, a docile, compliant and obedient population that can be molded in the way they wish?