In recent week, the government of Australia has ramped-up its lockdown policies, driving the country and ts people even closer to full-blown medical martial law. This week, Australian PM Scott Morrison was caught on record saying that COVID vaccines should be mandatory for all citizens, but was forced to backtrack on his statements after public outrage over his authoritarian statements.
One Sydney doctor is now openly advocating that the government suspend the rights of certain citizens by implementing a permanent travel ban covering both interstate and overseas movement – designed to target anyone who is refusing the new fast-tracked COVID vaccine.

Dr Zac Turner as want to government to single out what he calls “anti-vaxxers” and suspend most of their normal rights as citizens until they are forced to be vaccinated – presumably under the power of the state – in the name of ‘public health.’ He is adamant that any dissenters should have their basic rights suspended for holding any beliefs which fall outside of prescribed mainstream media and corporate pharmaceutical narratives.
Turner is also calling for new ‘vaccine passports,’ which he says “could easily be turned into electronic vaccine cards and offered to each Australian.”
Turner also believes that any dissenters should also be denied access to shops, gyms, cinemas, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
“I believe a person who refuses to be vaccinated should not be allowed to travel interstate or overseas, nor be allowed to travel on public transport without a face mask. And when it comes to the private sector, businesses could refuse these anti-vaxxers from visiting their retail outlets, gyms, movie cinemas, restaurants, bars or nightclubs,”says Dr Zac Turner.
“As a precedence, state governments have previously banned children from attending childcare if they are not vaccinated. Similar restrictions could be placed on Australians who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccination,” he adds.
Perhaps not surprisingly, Turner is also former employee of vaccine firm AstraZeneca – the same company which has sewn-up a deal with the Australian government to vaccine the entire population.
Turner derided anyone questioning the safety or efficacy of vaccines as “clowns” and believes they pose a direct threat danger to rest of the right-thinking citizens who will comply with government orders.
Dr Zac Turner is writing for and says…
With news of vaccines reaching their final stages and our government signing a deal to buy 25 million doses of a potential COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca, many of us are thinking with relief that it is all over. Unfortunately, it is not even close to halfway.
To achieve “herd immunity” and completely eradicate the transmission of COVID-19, Australia would need about 80 to 95 per cent of its population vaccinated, which in reality may take up until late next year.
And a key element to achieving this is to convince everyone to get vaccinated – even those people who are the curse of the scientific community, anti-vaxxers. That means 20 million Australians is the vaccination target.
Since January, Australia has conducted 5,380,613 COVID-19 tests. To achieve our target, we would need to double that number, twice, in half the amount of time. It will be a landmark test of our country, and it will be a chapter in our history textbooks.
Once a vaccine is approved for general use, it will take a minimum of three to six months for it to be made available to the entire population of Australia. During this time, it could be difficult for authorities to determine who is an anti-vaxxer versus somebody who is yet to be offered the vaccine.
The government should consider updating the current “yellow fever vaccination passport” issued to Australians who receive vaccinations before visiting high risk countries. These could easily be turned into electronic vaccine cards and offered to each Australian.
At least 2 to 5 per cent of the Australian population cannot be vaccinated due to health reasons, especially those with serious allergies. It’s important to protect those who can’t be vaccinated by having everyone around them vaccinated – so it cannot spread.
The next biggest threat to the virus is those who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In America, a CNN poll showed one-third of Americans would not get the vaccine even if it was readily available and affordable.
That’s startling enough to hear but we should recognise as a cultural extension of America, our population could not be too far off this as well.
Australia’s next obstacle will be getting people to be vaccinated. We cannot afford to be complacent.
The problem is a bunch of clowns with degrees from the “University of Believing Everything They Read Off the Internet” are espousing misinformation and lies that could seriously derail our country’s return back to normal…
Continue this piece by Dr Zac Turner at
From Sydney Doctor Wants Vaccine Passports and Travel Ban for Anyone Refusing COVID Jab