by Jon Rappoport
First of all, very high praise goes to Christine Massey, for her work in exposing the coronavirus fraud. In a half-sane world, she would have received many awards by now.
Her latest communication reads: “Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever” [1]
I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.
This means exactly what it seems to mean: the virus has not been proven to exist.
As for the people who keep chanting that the virus has been isolated, I can keep explaining why this is not so. I can do this forever. [2] [3]
Whether it’s a scientist, a gaggle of scientists, a government official, a person waving a study around like a newspaper with a hot headline from an old movie, my response is the same, and I make it knowing that some people will intentionally refuse to understand it:
ONE: SAYING the virus has been isolated is not the same thing as proving it’s been isolated.
TWO: Researchers routinely twist the meaning of the word “isolated” to mean its very opposite.
Isolation is absurdly taken to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. It is not separated out (isolated) from the soup. The soup contains various cells—human, monkey—and an array of (toxic) chemicals and drugs. We know the virus is there, because it is infecting and killing some of the cells.”
A reasonably bright junior high school student would immediately realize this is not a description of isolation.
A reasonably bright high school student would point out that there is no proof the virus is infecting and killing cells, because the toxic chemicals and drugs in the soup are sufficient to do the cell-killing. He might also mention the cells in the soup are being starved of nutrients, and this alone could cause their death.
Therefore, there is no evidence that “the virus” is actually in the soup.
Therefore, there is no evidence in this situation for claiming the virus exists at all.