To all the people on here threatening to unfriend people, or wishing a second wave of COVID on people, for daring to go out in the sun yesterday, you really …
To all the people on here threatening to unfriend people, or wishing a second wave of COVID on people, for daring to go out in the sun yesterday, you really …
© Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times Dr. Scott W. Atlas is neither an epidemiologist nor an infectious disease expert, but his frequent appearances on Fox News Channel and his …
Read moreMedical realist Dr. Scott Atlas replaces Fauci a main adviser
School Closings, Child Abuse, and the COVID19 Coup’s War on Democracy I’ve been an angry man since the age of sixteen. That was when I read Lloyd deMause’s newly-published The …
STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to the World Health Organization’s June 5, 2020, guidance on face mask use, there’s no direct evidence that universal masking of healthy people is an effective intervention …
Read moreWHO admits there is in fact no direct evidence mask prevent viral infection
Editorial by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Board Chair, Children’s Health Defense A Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, …
Read moreBill gates has the press in his pocket and buys out media to control information
THE odds of catching Covid-19 in England are about 44 in a million a day, official figures show. There are between 1,200 and 4,200 new infections a day, testing figures …
Read moreOdds of catching coronavirus are now 44 in a million
It seems the Labour right’s attacks on the fundraiser started by a Jeremy Corbyn supporter to cover any legal expenses the former Labour leader might incur are not limited to bleating about how …
Read moreLabour right ‘trying to force GoFundMe to remove Corbyn fundraiser page’
Apparently, parents are all suspects in Tennessee. And apparently, in the eyes of officials, government must oversee parents’ parenting to ensure that parents care for their children — and families …
There are increasing incidents of angry confrontations between those refusing to wear a mask and those who maintain that masks are protecting them from imminent illness and death. Shaming has …
Read moreFree Lawsuit Template Available Now for Supporters of Health Freedom
Abrand new TV show has just been announced called Hancock’s Half-Hour. Over the course of 30 minutes the main character, Hapless Hancock, playing the part of the Health Secretary, will …