Landlords have struggled throughout the various restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic
An MP has received a lifetime ban from the pubs, bars and clubs in his own town following his support for the recent 10pm coronavirus curfew.
Warrington South MP Andy Carter will be barred from some 30 venues in the Cheshire town after the local Pubwatch group voted unanimously to ban him.
Members said Mr Carter had shown the industry “no support”.
The Conservative said using the pub safety scheme for political aims brought it “into disrepute”.
The 10pm curfew was introduced by the government to curb gatherings but was criticised by the hospitality industry, which maintained venues were safe and the early closing time only encouraged more household mixing.
One Pubwatch member said the curfew had “absolutely killed us”.
He said people were angry and Mr Carter had shown “no support for the hospitality industry at a time when we need as much as we can get”.
Mr Carter, who has been an MP in the town since December 2019, said it was “simply not true” to say the government had not supported hospitality.