By Julian Rose
It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top-down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed ‘governments’ are no longer in any way fit to govern.
It must be dawning on many millions, possibly billions, that those who have been elected to represent the needs and interests of the people, are spectacularly failing in this role.
It must fast be becoming a reality for the great majority of people still able to think, that our world is in the hands of those who display none of the attributes that would pass for ‘leadership’, but an abundance of almost precisely the opposite attributes.
In fact, thinkers must surely observe that the majority of those holding the reins of power adhere only to their own private narcissistic agendas and have no interest in the health and welfare of the people they are elected to support. What’s more, they will observe that the politician of today is, by and large, a compliant puppet to the deep state whose agenda is totalitarian global dominance and mass depopulation.
The chimera called Covid-19 has been, and remains, extremely effective at highlighting the criminal duplicity of the planet’s leaders in almost all spheres of state and corporate administration. We have witnessed – and continue to witness – individuals in responsible management roles passing on the instructions sent to them by their puppet masters, without ever pausing to reflect on the value of these instructions. Each recipient simply acting as a thoughtless slave within an increasingly robotic technocracy – passing the buck on to whoever might be the unfortunate receiver at the bottom of the pile.
We can no longer hide from the realisation that a high percentage of ‘democratic societies’ are now under the dominant control of an overtly fascistic regime.
Recognising this triggers a kind of emotional shock-wave. What we realise is not just the extremity of the change taking place, but that we ourselves have allowed such a takeover to happen – right in front of our noses – and yet (mostly) barely registering a peep of conscious resistance.
Far too many have allowed the moral, ethical and spiritual values that underpin the existence of a healthy society to be undermined by intellectual laziness, material comforts and the prioritising of the virtual gadgets of ‘convenience’. That is what has opened the door for rule by dictatorship.
To realise one is complicit in some form of treasonous satanic takeover of one’s country is a pretty nasty shock. But, at this eleventh hour, a vitally important one, I think you will agree.
What would be the rational next step to take after arriving at such a realisation? What is the natural emotional response to the threat of living as a slave under a totalitarian dictatorship – a techno-fascist regime with ambitions to reduce humanity to a race of genetically engineered cyborgs?
Is it fear – or is it fight-back?
To succumb to fear is to write one’s own death warrant. We know that the spreading of fear is the key weapon of our opponents. The dark medicine of the satanic anti-life cabal. We must therefore completely reject fear, for it fuels the greater ‘pain body’ that the satanic forces draw upon to maintain their powers. Without this fuel they cannot survive. So let us cut them off here and now – at the very root!
That highly propitious step immediately positions us for the great fight-back. Here we are, finally faced by dire necessity to draw upon those strengths coming to us directly from our intimate connection with the greater source of all life. The Divine source. And what an unprecedented privilege it is, at this critical junction of human history, to be right at the epicentre of a pushback that has the potential to forever change the world for the better!