by Jon Rappoport
January 13, 2022
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Elsie Crane, a 43-year-old software developer, was referred by her doctor to a psychiatrist, Dr. Mellon Dome.
So, Ms. Crane, reading your chart, I see your doctor suggested you see me because you stopped believing in SARS-CoV-2.
Yes. He said I was having unusual symptoms. A sense of relief, euphoria, and possibly an inflated sense of my own importance.
Well, euphoria can be dangerous. Have you stepped out in front of traffic lately?
Do you have a desire to jump off a rooftop and fly?
No. Although I recently skipped along our driveway to my car. I don’t usually skip.
When did you stop believing in the virus?
It’s hard to pinpoint the moment. I was watching a cooking show a few weeks ago. The host was making a shrimp dish. I fell asleep and had a dream. Dock workers were throwing cases of vaccine vials into the ocean. When I woke up, I felt lighter. My daughter called from college. She said she was taking a leave from her studies and coming home. Her thesis advisor had just been fired for writing an article defending the 1st Amendment. I miss my daughter. I was glad she was coming back.
And then you stopped believing?
I think it was around that time.
Did something traumatic happen to you?
No. I lost my cat for a few hours, but I found her in the living room closet.
Any marital problems?
No. But I haven’t told my husband I stopped believing.
Why not?
He wears a mask when he goes out in the backyard to work in the garden.
I see. So I would call what you’re experiencing a spontaneous suspension of belief.
Is it serious?
It could lead to irrational actions. We don’t have a mental disorder label for it yet, but I have seen it in a few patients. It’s a regression into childhood, basically. A person abandons responsibility.
I don’t feel like a child.
You wouldn’t. That’s part of the syndrome.
Can it be reversed?
We can treat it with medication. But the drugs don’t restore your belief in the virus.
And that would be the goal? I believe in the virus again?
Are you vaccinated?
No. I was ready to do it, because my husband insisted, but then…if I don’t believe in the virus, why would I take the shot?
Yes. I understand. Let me ask you something. Have you taken any trips lately?
Why, yes. I went to visit my sister in Arkansas a couple of months ago. She lives out in the middle of nowhere with her dog. We went for long walks in the woods, did some fishing. It does me good to get away once in a while, and she needs the company.
And I assume you didn’t watch much television while you were there.
None. Sally doesn’t have a TV.
All right. Now we’re getting somewhere.
Where is that?
You see, you fell off the radar, so to speak. I’m going to prescribe a course of operant conditioning for you. It’ll help you get back on track. OP is training for the mind. It reminds you of important concepts and ideas. How many TV sets do you have in your home?
Good. I want you to have them all on all day, tuned to the news shows. Not the news talk—just the straight news. Sit and watch for at least three hours a day. Do you read news?
We get a local paper. I sometimes go to the BBC website.
Good. Every day, search out and read articles about the pandemic. At some point, you’re going to feel a slight bump.
A what?
As if you’re sitting on a train in the station, and then it starts to move. That bump will tell you you’re back in sync. You’re accepting the information you’re getting.
Aside from your husband—he’s something of an oppositional figure for you—do you have a friend who really believes wholeheartedly in the vaccine and the danger of the virus?