After suckering us into ruinous lockdown awaiting rescue by vaccine, the Pharma grifters are frantically dialing back the expectations they inflated. During an FDA teleconference on July 8, CBER’s Director Peter Marks said FDA is now willing to license COVID vaccines with a dismal 50%–and as low as 30%–efficacy, a humiliating retreat from the Gates/Fauci promise of a vaccine they intend to give to seven billion people in order for society to get back to “normal”. Equally deflating, NIH’s Tony Fauci conceded that vaccine immunity may only last a few months …
… and joined Gates hinting that the vaccine may not even prevent transmission:
Astra Zeneca is making two billion doses of its “Oxford” jab (Gates is heavily invested) despite proof that monkeys vaccinated transmit COVID. Paul Offit told CBS that the jab may not stop transmission and may only weaken not prevent symptoms.
Marks conceded that a vaccine with 50% efficacy will not stop the virus. “We’re going to need a vaccine that’s probably in the order of 70% effective and 70%, at least, of the population is going to need to take it.”
Marks’s justified FDA’s willingness to license jabs with a pathetic 30-50% efficacy citing industry convenience. “Can we show you some calculation of how we got there? No,” he confessed, adding “If you go much lower than 50% then the lower bounds of things start to get to a place where vaccines may have very little efficacy…On the other hand, if we held that number at 70% to 80% … we may not have a vaccine until there’s herd immunity that’s occurred naturally.”
Fear that the wild virus might vanish before a vaccine is ready for human trials has prompted FDA to scrap its traditional ethical revulsion for “challenge trials” in which drug companies deliberately expose humans to wild viruses. FDA has issued new protocols for “controlled human infection models” wherein drug companies intentionally expose vaccinated volunteers to a pathogen. FDA says such trials could be necessary if COVID becomes so rare that “it is no longer possible to demonstrate vaccine effectiveness by way of conducting clinical disease endpoint efficacy studies.” When will the press call fraud on these quacks?

From FDA Director Peter Marks and the Ever-Shifting COVID Vaccine Narrative By Robert F, Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
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