National Geographic headline, July 17: “More than half of Black-owned businesses may not survive COVID-19”.
“COVID-19 shutdowns have pounded Black-owned businesses particularly hard. Research at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a report by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that 41 percent of Black-owned businesses—some 440,000 enterprises—have been shuttered by COVID-19, compared to just 17 percent of white-owned businesses.”
Ignoring for a moment the fact that the economy of the entire country has been sent over a cliff…
Does Black Lives Matter care about what’s happening to black-owned businesses?
Or are major BLM money men intent on destroying “horrible capitalist” businesses of any kind?
If all-out destruction is the goal, then BLM should speak directly to the huge number of black business owners and tell them exactly that. And then stand back and see how the message is received.
If Socialism (aka Communism) is BLM’s goal, spell that out.
Karl Marx did. He called tyrannical dictatorship and destruction of free enterprise a necessary phase…that eventually leads to the withering away of the State and the development of a paradise on Earth. Good luck with that fairy tale. The only thing that withers away is freedom.
Aside from the actual fact that vaccines are dangerous and ineffective—which I’ve been proving for the past 30 years—the mainstream COVID vaccine narrative is breaking down. Badly.
Headline, San Francisco Chronicle, July 17: “With coronavirus antibodies fading fast, vaccine hopes fade, too”.
“Disturbing new revelations that permanent immunity to the coronavirus may not be possible have jeopardized vaccine development and reinforced a decision by scientists at UCSF and affiliated laboratories to focus exclusively on treatments.”
“Several recent studies conducted around the world indicate that the human body does not retain the antibodies that build up during infections, meaning there may be no lasting immunity to COVID-19 after people recover.”
“’I just don’t see a vaccine coming anytime soon,’ said Nevan Krogan, a molecular biologist and director of UCSF’s Quantitative Biosciences Institute, which works in partnership with 100 research laboratories. ‘People do have antibodies, but the antibodies are waning quickly.’ And if antibodies diminish, ‘then there is a good chance the immunity from a vaccine would wane too’.”
“There is still hope that the remaining antibodies will bestow some immunity, but infectious disease specialists around the world were surprised and discouraged by the rapid reduction observed in the studies. If the [antibody] numbers continue dropping after three months, it could mean people will be susceptible to infection by the coronavirus year after year.”
There is a lot to unpack here. First, the experts are throwing cold water on a COVID vaccine. Their grave doubt would apply to ALL current clinical trials of vaccines, regardless of how positive the results seem to be.
Those results are based on the body’s production of antibodies, which are fading fast. Therefore, no lasting protection.
What to do? The mainstream approach will a) stress highly toxic antiviral drugs and b) a COVID vaccine that needs a yearly upgrade with a booster shot, like the ineffective and toxic flu vaccine.
This means the entirely fake COVID pandemic will be promoted on and on, in order to keep people coming back for the vaccinations. It also means more lockdowns and economic devastation will occur—unless the economy is forced open permanently.
On the subject of repeated vaccinations, here is another quote from the San Francisco Chronicle article: “Even if a [COVID] vaccine were produced, infectious disease specialists say it could take years before the entire population was inoculated. If the vaccine wore off over time, periodic boosters would be needed, as with influenza shots.”
This would create an excuse to deploy aerosolized mass-sprayed vaccines. RESIST SUCH A PROGRAM IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE.
The article continues: “’Our whole approach is to find what is the virus hijacking and what drugs can be developed to reverse that hijacking,’ said Swaney, an assistant professor of cellular and molecular pharmacology at UCSF. ‘Basically, we try to take away what the virus relies on for survival so it can’t rely on it anymore’.”
“One possible target for intervention is a receptor embedded in the membrane of human cells called SigmaR1, which Swaney said the coronavirus interacts with. The SigmaR1 gene plays an important role in the functioning of tissues associated with the endocrine, immune and nervous systems.”
“’What we found is that if we use drugs that reduce the level of SigmaR1 in human cells, the virus cannot replicate in those human cells,’ Swaney said, adding that many other potentially influential receptors are being studied.”
Whatever “they found out” was in the lab, not in humans. And the payoff? Reducing the level of a gene means tinkering with the genetic makeup of humans.
It means “gene therapy.”
Highly dangerous.
The researchers are beyond clueless. There are always unintended genetic ripples when they barge into this territory. They speak of reducing the level of a gene as if it were a slam-dunk chemistry demonstration in a high school class. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Bottom line? The researchers are aimlessly flailing. Regardless, they’ll “find something” Pharma and Bill Gates can hype—toxic drugs and vaccines—and these treatments will be promoted and sold to the eight billion inhabitants of Earth.
—And now, stepping outside the lunatic world of mainstream “science” and vaccine/drug development, here are a few crucial facts I’ve established in the more than 150 articles I’ve written about the fake pandemic:
The new coronavirus was never discovered in the first place—not by proper procedures of purification. Therefore, even if a vaccine were safe and effective, it would provide protection against something whose existence was never proven.
The vaccine, the drugs, the masks, the distancing are all pretexts and explanations designed to justify the lockdowns.
The lockdowns are warfare. This is an economic war against the entire population of Earth.
The war is a gateway into brutal Socialism/Communism, which is a phase merging with planetary technocracy. Brave New World.
This is the game plan. This is the ten thousand year war we are fighting.
From Dispatches from the War: Black Lives Matter; Trouble in covid vaccine paradise by Jon Rappoport