By Jon Rappoport
The news media are accusing Trump of trying to rush a COVID vaccine into use by November 1, just before the election: “The president is playing politics.”
Suddenly, the press is expressing “deep concern” about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Experts are being trotted out to issue warnings.
The White House is saying they would never compromise the safety of the public.
The FDA is strenuously insisting their decision to authorize a COVID vaccine will be undertaken with extreme care, and will not bow to pressure.
Of course, if Obama or Hillary were in the White House now, the press would be praising them for their efforts to move “full speed ahead.”
If Trump were now talking about a need to delay the vaccine, in order to “get it right,” the press would be screaming about the necessity of approving a vaccine quickly “to save lives.”
As I’ve been writing, the media definition of science is now “the opposite of whatever Trump says.”
The White House definition is whatever the White House says.
The public is caught in the middle.
There are three leading corporate competitors vying for an upcoming COVID vaccine. One of them is Moderna. This is a small US company that has never brought a product of any kind to market. In other words, their credibility is zero. Yet they’ve garnered half a billion dollars of federal money for research. The press isn’t screaming about that.
Fauci likes Moderna. Bill Gates likes Moderna.
Mostly because Moderna’s vaccine is deploying an experimental RNA technology. RNA tech has never been approved for any product. In past clinical trials, serious adverse effects have occurred. But who cares?
RNA vaccine technology allows cheaper, faster, and easier production of vaccines. That’s the whole point. IF Moderna’s COVID vaxx can be jammed through the approval process, then all future vaccines can be developed within months, not years.
“We’ve just discovered twelve new viruses that are causing human diseases…and we’ll have twelve new vaccines ready to go by Christmas.”
Again, the health of the public is of no concern. Adverse effects, such as the body attacking itself (RNA technology)? The permanent alteration of genetic makeup (DNA technology)? No problem. Plunge ahead.
There is more. Two recent developments have cancelled the need for a vaccine, even for those who love vaccines and believe a novel coronavirus a) exists and b) is causing harm:
ONE: The CDC quietly announced that only 6 percent of all official COVID deaths have occurred in cases where the virus was the single factor. In all other cases, the patients had several prior medical conditions—meaning, in effect, there was no need to invoke a virus to account for their deaths. (I have explained this in great detail in past articles. We are talking about the forced premature deaths of the elderly.)
TWO: The New York Times stated the result of a broad study, which showed that up to 90 percent of all COVID cases, based on a positive PCR test, were false positives. Non-cases.
Combining these two developments, the implication is quite clear: we’re in the middle of a less-than-average “flu season.”
No need for any vaccine.
No need for any Tony Fauci.
No need for any Bill Gates.
No need for any CDC or WHO.
It’s over.
But as in any war, there are people who don’t get the memo. They keep fighting and lying and destroying. They’re war criminals. In this case, their true intent has nothing to do with the fake pandemic. They want vast economic destruction leading to a Brave New World.