After nine consecutive months of one failed policy after another, prominent scientists and medical professionals continue to point out how the Government’s COVID strategy has been wrong all along. Available public data now proves this, along with copious evidence revealing how Government’s supposed ‘gold standard’ PCR test been systematically used on fraudulent basis in order to wildly inflated the numbers of alleged COVID “cases” and “infections.” Now that this is all public knowledge, why do their failures still persist?
The result of politicians overtly trying to politicize the pandemic so as to leverage power (see New York and California) has had a devastating impact on health, the economy, families, society, education, and even on democracy itself – all of which has been caused by draconian measures by the state, and mass hysteria fomented by the mainstream media.
The failure of Government to rethink its suicidal course means that the damage has now become irreparable.
The legacy of their epic failures will last for decades, and yet, they’re all still determined to double-down, in a vain attempt to save face, and to preserve their prized ‘careers’ in power, along with their future board positions and lucrative shareholdings in the burgeoning transnational corporate biotech and pharmaceutical industrial complex.
Host Tucker Carlson calls out recently canonized Dr. Anthony Fauci and other ‘public health’ officials for misleading the public on every single policy since the COVID crisis was created – including the disastrous policy of school closures. Watch: