by Iain Davis
The Covid-19 data and statistics, that we are all now so familiar with, have been reported by the mainstream media (MSM) practically without scrutiny.
There have been some notable exceptions; a few journalists who still understand their vital role to question power. Unfortunately, for the most part, questions have been most notable for their absence.
Without a functioning mainstream media, and with government scientific advisors seemingly bought and paid for by pharmaceutical corporations, it has been left to independent journalists and researchers to question the Covid-19 narrative that we are all supposed to accept without hesitation. Few have worked harder than Mark Oakford.
Mark has sent 1,392 freedom of information requests to local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS trusts, Police Forces, Education Authorities, Ministerial departments and more.
While a few requests remain unanswered, he has gathered data on more than 1.6 million public sector workers across the UK.
That’s 1.6 million ordinary working people, employed in every community from Wick to Penzance. Mark’s efforts have provided us an opportunity to compare what we are told about Covid-19 mortality with the actual reality in our towns and cities.
The questions he asked were reasonable and you would anticipate, given that the UK government are taking further Lockdown measures to fend off an alleged second wave of a global pandemic, that the requested data would be readily available. Full responses to Mark’s information requests do not require any breech of data protection.
Mark asked the following questions:
- What is the total number of your workforce?
- What is the total number of staff who have died from Covid-19 within your organisation?
- What is the total number of staff who have been admitted to hospital as a result of Covid-19?
- What is the total number of staff who have been properly diagnosed with Covid-19 not requiring hospitalisation?
- What is the total number of staff who have had to take time of work through isolation procedures not counting when offices have been closed.
Questions 1, 2 and 5 should be simple enough for any public sector employer to answer. Perhaps questions 3 and 4 less so, although you would expect conscientious staff to disclose this to their employers.
So what does Mark’s diligent research reveal?
The Official Statistics
The Office of National Statistics provide mortality statistics for England and Wales. The number they record are based upon registered death certificates. While other data sources, such as the NHS and the Care Quality Commission, also provide mortality statistics, all registered deaths must eventually have a corresponding death certificate. For this reason, ONS figures are perhaps the most reliable.
In their latest analysis report the ONS state the following figures for England and Wales for the period between 1 January to 31 August:
- 389,835 deaths in total
- 48,168 deaths were “due” to Covid-19 as it was identified as the “underlying” cause
- 13,619 deaths were due to pneumonia
- 69,781 deaths involved pneumonia
- 394 deaths were due to influenza.
- 506 deaths involved influenza
- 19,470 death certificates cited both influenza and pneumonia alongside Covid-19 (IPC deaths)
- 18,642 (95.8%) of IPC death certificates recorded Covid-19 as the underlying cause of death
- 8 (0.04%) of IPC death certificates recorded influenza and pneumonia as the underlying cause of death
According to the 2011 census, the population of England and Wales was 56.1 million with a working age population of 36.6 million. Since then, the population in England and Wales has grown to 59.5 million – an increase of 6%.
Therefore, the current estimated working age population is 38.8 million.
Of the 59.5 million, 56.3 million (94.6%) live in England. Giving us a current estimated working age population of 36.7 million for England.
According to the ONS, for the year up to the end of August, the age-standardised mortality rate (ASMR) for Covid-19 in England, among the under 65’s, was 16.6 per 100,000 people.
We note that Covid-19 deaths among those under 18 is statistically zero.
The ONS claim that approximately 6,092 people, of working age in England, have died from Covid-19 so far this year. For this age distribution, the chances of you dying from Covid-19 is allegedly 0.0166%. But only if you accept the government’s claims.
To date, Mark’s research of more than 1.6 million UK workers, casts significant doubt over the government figures: for 1,641,281 UK workers the total number of deaths reported was 76.
There is a minor caveat: retirement ages vary, meaning a small number of included employees will be older than 65. However, many people retire early and the broad impact of this on Marks FOI numbers is negligible.
Mark’s research reveals an ASMR of 4.6 per 100,000; somewhat less than the 16.6 per 100,000 reported by ONS.
The average percentage chance of Covid-19 mortality for the working population is 0.0046%. This is three and half times lower than the official ONS ASMR implies.
This strongly suggests that, of the 48,158 reported deaths “due” to Covid-19, the real number is closer to 13,759. A discrepancy of 34,399. A figure which has been mentioned before.
Something doesn’t add up.