Could the COVID vaccine be canceled before the first injection?

covid vaccine
Image by pearson0612 from Pixabay

By Jon Rappoport

I covered this breaking story last week.

I analyzed a startling piece in the NY Times that torpedoed the major clinical trials now underway, headed up by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna.

My readers, who know the devil is in the details, saw how absurd these trials are.

Now I want to go back and fill in a few new facts that round out the picture.

As a result of increased scrutiny and pressure, the vaccine companies couldn’t just say their experimental COVID vaccine produced antibodies, meaning there was a “proper immune response” to the vaccine. That wouldn’t be enough to win FDA approval.

No, they would have to create two huge groups of human volunteers, give one group the vaccine, and the other group a saltwater placebo shot.

Then what?

Then wait. Since these companies believe the coronavirus is everywhere, descending from the clouds and infecting millions of people, they would wait for some volunteers to “catch COVID-19.”

How many volunteers? 150. That’s the magic number.

At that point, the clinical trial would stop. Everything would stop.

The big reveal would take place. Of these 150 cases of COVID-19, how many occurred in volunteers who got the vaccine, and how many COVID-19 cases occurred in the volunteers who got the placebo saltwater shot?

Get it? In other words, this information would show how successful the vaccine was in protecting the volunteers from COVID-19.

What would the vaccine companies be hoping and praying for? A breakdown like this: only 50 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group, and 100 cases in the placebo group.

Why? Because this would prove the vaccine was 50% effective in preventing COVID-19. And that percentage is all the FDA requires to issue an authorization for the vaccine—an authorization to shoot up all Americans.

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