5G electromagnetic radiation can induce symptoms in people which are then apparently being misdiagnosed as Covid 19. Specifically, 5G radiation can induce the presence of something called exosomes. This presence of exosomes is apparently causing doctors to diagnose patients with the dreaded Coronavirus. In this process, chemtrail spray may act as a transmission medium for the 5G radiation.
Exosomes and 5G
Even without chemtrail spray, 5G radiation can cause a human body to exhibit an increased presence of exosomes. You see, exosomes are very small sacs of fluid that are secreted from cells in times of bodily illness or stress. Exosomes alert the rest of the body to the presence of disease. This state of disease can be induced by exposure to 5G radiation. Specifically, a state of disease can be induced by the electromagnetic manipulation of one’s autonomic nervous system as well as other body systems. The fields of 5G electromagnetic radiation can do this.
The autonomic nervous system is comprised of all your nerves throughout your body with the exception of the brain and the spinal cord. Being that it is bioelectric in nature, it is particularly susceptible to electromagnetic energy. Along with the central nervous system, it is what makes your body akin to a large antenna. Scientists such as Dr. Michael A. Persinger (1945-2018) figured out a long time ago that electromagnetic fields have a tremendous effect upon one’s autonomic nervous system.
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In his 1980 book The Weather Matrix and Human Behavior, Dr. Persinger writes about how electromagnetic energy fields can induce the autonomic nervous system to alter the functioning of one’s: eye muscles, glands, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, small intestine, colon, kidney, bladder, genitals, and blood vessels. Alteration of the functioning of these vital organs can cause a state of bodily imbalance (disease) and thus, an increased presence of exosomes.
Dr. Nick Begich in his book Controlling the Human Mind describes this process:
All processes that build up and breakdown the cells and chemicals of the body are controlled by electromagnetic oscillations. The metabolic processes are processes that can be influenced through applied external energy sources of low power when they share the same frequency codes. When the laws of physics are applied to the materials that make up the human body a much different set of possibilities begins to emerge. Manipulation of the frequency codes of living things can change them in more direct and powerful ways than chemicals because the delivery systems are precise and only affect the targeted materials, elements, molecules, cells, organs, etc.
Electromagnetic fields can be introduced from devices outside of the human body with any specific living organism or individual substance in the human body being targeted.
So 5G radiation can cause in humans a state of disease which results in the increased presence of exosomes. According to Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD, because of the presence of exosomes, positive test results have been misattributed to Coronavirus.
Dr. Kaufman studied biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early 1990s and got his medical degree at the University of South Carolina in 2004. In a series of interviews, Dr. Kaufman is reporting scientific evidence indicating that the presence of exosomes is being routinely misdiagnosed as Covid 19. He says that it has to do with the unreliability of the predominant testing method.
Misattribution of Coronavirus is consistent with CDC data showing that there has been no increase in the total number of deaths attributable to all causes nationwide. The total number of people dying in America due to all causes so far this year is about the same as last year. There’s actually slightly fewer total deaths so far this year as compared to this date so far last year. The current rate of total deaths so far this year is currently 2% less than the last three years on average. If there was actually some terrible, world-destroying virus out there, then there would be a spike in the number of total deaths and a cloth over your face would not stop it.
In fact, many deaths that would have previously been attributed to other causes, are now being attributed to Coronavirus. These changes in the reporting methods have been instituted only recently, as this so-called pandemic has unfolded. That makes a lot of sense, right? The sum total of the evidence has prompted Dr. Kaufman say, “This pandemic is a completely manufactured, public relations marketing operation. And there’s actually no virus, no disease, but there are major changes in government policies in virtually all areas of public policy.”
The role of chemtrails in all of this is pretty simple. They act as a transmission medium and increase our bodies’ toxicity. The chemtrail spray in the atmosphere allows for the more efficient transmission of electromagnetic energy such as that which is produced by 5G transmitters. Chemtrail spray also permeates our bodies. The chemtrail spray that accumulates inside of our bodies allows for the more effective targeting and application of electromagnetic fields such as those produced by 5G transmitters. All this while our exposure to these airborne toxins causes our bodies to be in a continual state of toxicity and disease.
To learn all about the history and current state of today’s chemtrail spraying operations, please refer to the new, greatly revised and expanded second edition of the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now, exclusively at Amazon. Thank you.
From The Coronavirus, Chemtrails and 5G Connection? By Peter A. Kirby