More child abuse with regards to masks
Face coverings should be worn by secondary pupils and staff in local lockdown areas of England, and will be at the discretion of secondary schools across the country, after the …
Face coverings should be worn by secondary pupils and staff in local lockdown areas of England, and will be at the discretion of secondary schools across the country, after the …
A scientific advisor to the UK government says the coronavirus lockdown was a “panic measure” and a “monumental mistake on a global scale.” Infectious diseases expert and University of Edinburgh …
Read moreUK Government Scientist Admits Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale”
My first words in the article are “buckle up, the shock will be intense”.What you will learn in this article is beyond your horizon. The latest information has the explosive …
Unfortunately COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’. Six months later, we are still …
Read morePlease watch and share this video! It is time to stand up to this tyranny
The Government is preparing for power outages, economic chaos and public unrest if a second wave of coronavirus coincides with a disorderly no-deal Brexit, according to leaked emergency plans. A …
Read more‘Water rationing and food shortages’ if second wave clashes with no-deal Brexit
As the Government wrecks another few thousand holidays with sudden quarantine, you might assume that it takes this sort of thing seriously, and keeps close track of it. After all, you …
Read moreWere holiday-wrecking quarantines worth it? Even the Government haven’t a clue!
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said children aged 12 and over should wear masks to help tackle the Covid-19 pandemic under the same conditions as adults, while children between six …
Read moreWHO says children aged 12 and over should wear masks like adults
In case you haven’t noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike submission of the masses, it is set to get …
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. They have a long history of NOT doing so and have become more dangerous since Trump took …