The ongoing suffering of our young
School Closings, Child Abuse, and the COVID19 Coup’s War on Democracy I’ve been an angry man since the age of sixteen. That was when I read Lloyd deMause’s newly-published The …
School Closings, Child Abuse, and the COVID19 Coup’s War on Democracy I’ve been an angry man since the age of sixteen. That was when I read Lloyd deMause’s newly-published The …
STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to the World Health Organization’s June 5, 2020, guidance on face mask use, there’s no direct evidence that universal masking of healthy people is an effective intervention …
Read moreWHO admits there is in fact no direct evidence mask prevent viral infection
Editorial by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Board Chair, Children’s Health Defense A Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, …
Read moreBill gates has the press in his pocket and buys out media to control information
THE odds of catching Covid-19 in England are about 44 in a million a day, official figures show. There are between 1,200 and 4,200 new infections a day, testing figures …
Read moreOdds of catching coronavirus are now 44 in a million
It seems the Labour right’s attacks on the fundraiser started by a Jeremy Corbyn supporter to cover any legal expenses the former Labour leader might incur are not limited to bleating about how …
Read moreLabour right ‘trying to force GoFundMe to remove Corbyn fundraiser page’
There are increasing incidents of angry confrontations between those refusing to wear a mask and those who maintain that masks are protecting them from imminent illness and death. Shaming has …
Read moreFree Lawsuit Template Available Now for Supporters of Health Freedom
Abrand new TV show has just been announced called Hancock’s Half-Hour. Over the course of 30 minutes the main character, Hapless Hancock, playing the part of the Health Secretary, will …
At a press conference earlier this week that included President Trump’s new coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that his state will “never do any of these lockdowns …
If you find yourself ‘disapproving’ of the massive protest in London yesterday which was ignored by the BBC (yet they reported on the Berlin protest), if you find yourself agreeing …
Read moreFascist Facebook censors defense of ‘unite for freedom’ protest