Things are getting out of control: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine builds the equivalent of FEMA camps to isolate ‘covid’ cases

Ohio FEMA camp for covid19 case

BY PAULA BOLYARD As our long national nightmare of “15 days to flatten the curve” drags into its sixth (sixth!) month, many of our nation’s governors and bureaucrats are inventing new …

Read moreThings are getting out of control: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine builds the equivalent of FEMA camps to isolate ‘covid’ cases

One rule for them and another for you. Government gyms have been opened for months while public gyms were closed for covid


By Tyler Durden Shut down gym owners in San Francisco have developed serious “roid rage” after finding out this week that gyms inside of government buildings have been open for months …

Read moreOne rule for them and another for you. Government gyms have been opened for months while public gyms were closed for covid