Last week, 21WIRE revealed how the UK government was working behind the scenes with Greece to float the idea that travelers would need a new Vaccine Passport in order to ‘safely’ go on holiday. It was clear that this bilateral ploy between London and Athens was designed in order to apply public pressure on Brussels to quickly adopt the controversial Vaccine Passport regime. It turns out we were correct. Today, the head of the EU announced their intention to roll-out this unprecedented bio-surveillance system. The implications for human rights of all people compelled to comply in order to travel or participate in society – is very grave indeed.
Brexit supporters should be aware that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has not hesitated to rush ahead with this new invasive, technocratic EU regime. In fact, Downing Street has all but confirmed that UK officials plan to completely bypass the democratic process, instead immediately moving to coordinate with Brussels on its plan implement their new European “Green Pass.” The British Prime Minister’s official spokesperson stated that:
“You can expect [the Department for Transport] will work [with], and do speak to countries across the world in terms of how they may look to introduce passports.”
Few in the mainstream press have bothered to ask the obvious: With the supposed ‘pandemic’ now over, why are governments moving at lightning speed to implement such an invasive and manipulative mechanism and social control?
One thing is certain – that this new “Green Pass” will be permanent, and will eventually encompass levels of social and political control never seen before in modern human history.
Human rights and civil liberties advocates and lawyers should take note.
Today, Germany’s DE LOCAL reported…
Europeans may be allowed to travel more freely this summer with a new digital vaccination passport in a plan set to be laid out by the European Commission.
Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen announced the plan for a “digital green pass” in a speech to German lawmakers on Monday and then added some details on Twitter.
The “digital green pass” would provide proof that a person has received the vaccination as well as test results for anyone who has not yet been vaccinated. It would also include information on recovery for anyone who has previously contracted Covid-19. “The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad – for work or tourism,” von der Leyen tweeted.