By B.N. Frank
Last fall a woman’s brain lining was punctured during a COVID nasal swab test. The injury caused brain fluid to drip down one of her nostrils.
In December, it was reported that saliva tests for COVID are as accurate as nasal swabs. Nevertheless, nasal swabs are still being used for testing and another woman’s brain lining was penetrated in the process. This caused fluid to drip down her nose too.
From Fox San Antonio:
San Antonio woman leaks spinal fluid after receiving Covid nasal swab
SAN ANTONIO – A San Antonio woman is still in shock after she says a Covid nasal swab test went horribly wrong.
“It hurt, it was an immediate instant migraine,” says Chari Timm. “I’ve never had a migraine ever in my life.”
Chari Timm says the swab was inserted in her nose and she instantly felt pain.
Chari was in need of a heart diagnostic test and protocol states she had to test negative for Covid before they could run any tests. She says the swab was inserted in her nose and she instantly felt pain.
“It started from the back of my head and just extend it to the front of my head and my entire brain was an extreme pain,” she says. “Instantly fluid just was leaking out of my nose.”
Chari was leaking spinal fluid.
A neurologist from Methodist and an ear, nose and throat doctor diagnosed her with pneumocephalus days later.
Pneumocephalus is when there has been a rupture in the dural membrane, or the lining that’s around the brain, which allows air to enter the space that’s normally occupied by the head.
Experts say it’s rare, but they aren’t surprised it happened.