By Jon Rappoport
In the age of COVID, vaccination looms large. As in mandatory. And of course, toxic.
I’ve already covered two new vaccine technologies, one of which has already been pushed forward, to “protect” people from a virus that has never been properly proven to exist.
DNA vaccines, aka gene therapy, permanently alter recipients’ genetic makeup in unknown ways. RNA vaccines (Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, just approved for COVID) can cause auto-immune reactions—which means the body attacks itself. [1] [2]
In this piece, I want to take a look at a few fundamentals about vaccination. In particular, the claim that vaccines have done a fantastic job of reducing case numbers of diseases, and therefore all criticisms of these injections are irrelevant.
From his bio [3]: “Richard Moskowitz was born in 1938, and educated at Harvard (B.A.) and New York University (M.D.). After medical school he did 3 years of graduate study in Philosophy at the University of Colorado in Boulder on a U. S. Steel Fellowship.”
“He took his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver, and has been practicing family medicine since 1967, as well as attending about 800 home births. With a background in Oriental medicine and other forms of natural healing, Dr. Moskowitz studied homeopathy with George Vithoulkas in Greece and Rajan Sankaran and others in India.”
In 1987, while writing my first book, AIDS INC., I had a long conversation on the phone with Richard about vaccination. It was my first trip exploring vaccines as a form of immune-system suppression.
I had already seen that AIDS was actually a lumping together of various immune-system problems, none of which needed HIV as an explanation.
I still recall that phone conversation with Richard Moskowitz. I came away from it with an idea about how vaccines could be touted and trumpeted as the reason for vastly reducing cases of diseases, when in fact the reduction of visible symptoms was occurring—a very different thing.
If vaccines were lowering immune-system response, then the acute, vigorous, and all-out inflammatory reaction to germs would be eliminated. And it IS that acute reaction which creates the visible symptoms (rashes, spots, etc.).
Vaccination equals no cases of measles, the experts say. But really, as a result of vaccination, it’s just the visible rash that is missing, while something more dangerous, out of view, is going on in the body.
I’m printing here an excerpt from Richard’s article (written years ago), The Case Against Immunizations. The article is based on a classical view of germs and the action of the human immune system. The pros and cons of germ theory itself are a different matter, about which I’ve spoken and written in other places. [4] [5]
Note: Although the RNA COVID vaccines deploy a technology different from classical vaccines, they still rely on antibody response as the key to “producing immunity.” But that response is only one of many natural reactions in the body which maintain health and ward off disease.